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Energise Your Home This Winter

17 July 2019

Whilst winter is indeed the perfect time to embrace your inner-Dane and all things ‘hygge’ by creating interiors that are cosy and comforting – when you can’t completely hibernate and work and family responsibilities must continue, it may be best to combine the cosiness with some more motivating elements to keep you going. Interior decorator and author, Tahn Scoon shares the following tips on how to keep your interiors cosy and energised this season…

Layer with love

Layering is the most effective way to add texture, colour and warmth to interiors. Add cushions and throws to sofas and beds; lined drapes over blinds; and rugs to floors. Ensure fabrics are lush and natural (synthetic fabrics are neither tactile or warm to the touch). Think merino throws, feather filled cushions and hand-knotted wool rugs.

Inject some colour

The quickest way to energise a room is by introducing colour. Our brains are wired to notice change - so changing up the colour, even subtly, will stimulate the senses. Think of an all-white Scandinavian interior, then of one that adds a pop of pretty pastels – or an all-ecru Hamptons style room, and then one that incorporates muted blues and greens. The difference is subtle yet game-changing.


Play with pattern

For the same reasons as mentioned above, introducing pattern into a scheme will energise it. Obvious ways to incorporate pattern are by way of rugs , cushions and other soft furnishings – but less obvious ways are through tile layout, wall panelling, artworks and other such details.

Add plant life

Introducing flowers and foliage into your scheme instantly (and literally) adds life, and all the lovely connotations that go with it. It seems doubly poignant in winter when trees are traditionally depicted bare of leaves – banish the thought by adding plant life en masse instead. Whilst flowers are always a welcome and pretty addition, if you want to keep costs down, have a forage around your local neighbourhood and snip off some foliage instead.


The right light

Whilst there’s the temptation to embrace dark, cosy interiors in winter – this needs to be balanced with our physiological need for natural light. We tend to feel happier and healthier when we have it in abundance – so check your home receives ample. If it doesn’t consider replacing small windows with French doors, solid internal doors with glazed, block out blinds with translucent – or add a skylight or two.

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